There is something magical about a flower. Something that speaks into our eyes and straight to our souls. The blooms of a plant define the human concept of beauty and majesty. The flower is nature's masterpiece--Mother Nature's offering to the universe.
One place where this art springs abundantly is the beautiful Whidbey Island! Martha Hollis of Coupeville explains that the island's "...long cool summers and mild winters, along with the blessed rain make Whidbey Island a veritable Gardener’s Eden" (
To learn more about the flora found on Whidbey Island and surrounding areas, visit this site:
Each June, Whidbey Island hosts an annual garden tour. This year will be the 22nd floral adventure! Four or five of Whidbey's most picturesque gardens are showcased for their varying styles and designs. To learn more or to book tickets, visit this website:
Robert Frost is my favorite poet of all time. It all began in 5th grade when my teacher required the class to memorize his poem, "The Road Less Traveled". It was love at first sight. He is an expert of language and utilizes it with an master's skill to convey each message. I love the passage below and what he tells the reader about the flower from the eyes of himself and a butterfly:
"...But he turned first, and led my eye to look At a tall tuft of flowers beside a brook, A leaping tongue of bloom the scythe had spared Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared. The mower in the dew had loved them thus, By leaving them to flourish, not for us, Nor yet to draw one thought of ours to him. But from sheer morning gladness at the brim."
-Robert Frost, The Tuft of Flowers
So come and take a moment to tie your soul with the beauty of the earth. Appreciate the wonder around you! Come to Whidbey Island if for nothing else to simply "stop, and smell the roses".
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