Amidst the violent conflicts, natural disasters, and social injustices that plague our world today, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. I remember as a small child first hearing about the tragedies that seemed so far away from my safe and cushioned world. One day, I stood in our living room getting ready to head off to another day at kindergarten, when my dad suddenly rushed past me down the hallway to get my mom: the twin towers had just gone up in smoke. My small, inexperienced mind couldn't wrap around the resulting devastation in the lives of so many innocent people. As I grew older, I occasionally experienced waves of passionate sympathy, urging me to grow up and save the world. In my childish moments of brief selflessness, I craved achieving Herculean feats that would rescue the masses from war, starvation, and pain. Reality slowly crept in, leaving me disheartened as I wondered how I could ever make a difference. My wise parents gently taught me that though I may not have the means to liberate a nation, I can always make a real difference in the lives of those around me (however small that difference may be). As I now take my first steps into adulthood, I've realized how important this concept is to understand. I love Ghandi's resounding words of wisdom: "Be the change you wish to see in the world". While massive revolutions and legislative breakthroughs make headlines, our personal revolutions and intimate breakthroughs can reach hearts in a way nothing else could.
Even here on our secluded Whidbey Island, we witness the hardships that burden humanity at large. While we can't take on every challenge that faces mankind, we can start with a few. One rapidly growing issue for families is homelessness. This condition can be a result of the personal choices of family members, but it can also rise from circumstances beyond individual control. We wanted to find a way to give these families the ability to start over, to be able to try again. Every family wants a home, but sometimes there is just no way out of their situation without help. The rising cost of rent makes it nearly impossible for these families to have a chance on their own. In partnership with the South Whidbey Homeless Coalition, Tara Property Management South is pleased to have activated leases on our third and fourth homes designated for the coalition's clientele. The goal of both organizations is for tenants to take this opportunity to develop positive and consistent renting habits by the end of their one-year lease. At that point, they will be able to use this new rental history as a reference. They would have the ability to renew their leases and afford it on their own, or move somewhere else. There is a special power and satisfaction that accompanies newfound independence. As we lift others back onto their feet, we can start a movement of positive change in our community.
We each have the power to make real and lasting changes in our spheres of influence, and as we do, the world slowly but surely becomes a safer place.